Пушер "копытце" или "апельсиновая палочка" с плоской лопаткой. Скошенный край предназначена для отодвигания кутикулы с целью дальнейшего удаления ножницами или кусачками. Плоская лопатка также хорошо подходит для очистки ногтя от птеригия и обработки поверхности у боковых валиков.

Скошенный край ("копытце", "апельсиновая палочка). Плоская лопатка. Длина 120 мм.

Производство: Вьетнам.

Pusher (paddle)

Code of product: 5709
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420 ₽
4,75 $
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Пушер "копытце" или "апельсиновая палочка" с плоской лопаткой. Скошенный край предназначена для отодвигания кутикулы с целью дальнейшего удаления ножницами или кусачками. Плоская лопатка также хорошо подходит для очистки ногтя от птеригия и обработки поверхности у боковых валиков.

Скошенный край ("копытце", "апельсиновая палочка). Плоская лопатка. Длина 120 мм.

Производство: Вьетнам.

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If you are a regular at the nail salon, you may have heard the term "pusher" or "paddle" being thrown around. It might have even been used during your last manicure or pedicure session. But what exactly is a pusher, and why is it an essential tool for nail extensions?

A pusher, also known as a paddle, is a small tool made of metal or plastic. It is used to push back the cuticles and clean under the nails during a manicure or a pedicure. The tool is especially handy when you have nail extensions since it helps to keep the natural nails healthy and free from infections.

The pusher has a flat and rounded end that gently pushes back the cuticles, giving the nails a clean and neat appearance. The other end of the pusher is pointed, making it easy to clean under the nails and remove any dirt or debris.

Apart from keeping the nails clean and healthy, pushers are also used in preparing the nail bed for nail extensions. Before applying any artificial nails, the natural nails must be clean and free from any dirt, oil, or debris. A pusher, therefore, plays an essential role in preparing the nails for the extension process.

During the application of nail extensions, the pusher is also used to align the tips of the extensions with the natural nails. This ensures that the extensions have a natural look and are not noticeable.

When using a pusher, it is essential to be gentle and not apply too much pressure. Pushing back the cuticles too aggressively can cause damage to the natural nails and lead to infections. Instead, use gentle strokes, and if you encounter any resistance, stop and apply some cuticle oil to soften and moisturize the cuticles.

In conclusion, the pusher or paddle is an essential tool for nail extensions. It plays a vital role in maintaining the health and cleanliness of the natural nails and preparing them for the application of artificial nails. So, the next time you visit the nail salon, remember to ask your technician for a pusher to give your nails the best treatment possible.