Airbrush - a new level in nail design

Airbrush - a new level in nail design
The airbrush is the ideal tool for creating unique designs on nails. It has dual independent action and internal paint mixing, which means that mixing takes place inside the body of the airbrush. The airbrush is controlled by two streams of air. The "Air control" function allows the air pressure in the airbrush to be adjusted, while the paint feed regulator allows the needle movement to be controlled, limiting atomisation and allowing more precise control of the process.

The airbrush requires special types of paint, which are not the same consistency as ordinary varnishes. The use of ordinary varnishes diluted with solvents can cause damage to the equipment. To airbrush your nails, it's best to get special acrylics that often come with the tool itself. If you require a greater variety of colours than the standard kit offers, it is advisable to purchase additional paints from a reputable manufacturer. They are readily available from online retailers or specialist nail salons.


1. The initial step is to apply the main background on the nail plate. This background can be monochrome or created using several shades, depending on the creative idea of the master.

2 The stencil is applied after the base coat is completely dry.

3. Various methods are used to create accents and outlines, including spray paint using fine nozzles and brushes.
Various elements such as rhinestones, stickers, thread and glitter are often used to achieve additional decorative effect. After applying these decorations, it is important to apply a fixing coat to guarantee their long-lasting hold and extend their durability.
Published: 23.07.2019 16:57 Times Read: 1473