Paraffin therapy. Your body is beautiful and healthy

Paraffin therapy. Your body is beautiful and healthy
Today most girls strive to be the standard of beauty. Fashionable clothes, jewelry, cosmetics, sports, and all this in order to attract attention. Of course, in addition to all this, it is also necessary to properly take care of the body so that it is not only beautiful but also healthy. In the beauty industry, there are various ways to take care of the body, which are able to give well-groomed and beauty. One of the popular methods is paraffin therapy.
In this article we will tell you all the most important things about paraffin therapy, and about other nuances.

What is paraffin therapy, its types

Paraffin therapy is a popular and demanded procedure of our time, rooted deep in antiquity. It is one of the types of physiotherapy, which is based on thermotherapy. Heat therapy is intended for the elimination of various diseases, as well as for their prevention. It is characterized by high heat capacity and low thermal conductivity.
The action of paraffin therapy consists in rejuvenating and nourishing the skin of the hands, face and the whole body, removing toxins and excess moisture, saturating the deeper layers of the skin with useful substances. The procedure has a long-lasting effect and helps to make the skin soft and beautiful.
The paraffin therapy procedure can be divided into two main categories - medical and cosmetic options.

Therapeutic paraffin therapy is prescribed by a set of procedures to improve the metabolism in tissues and relieve inflammatory processes in the joints. It is also an excellent preparation for therapeutic massage.

Cosmetological paraffin therapy for hands is a simplified treatment option and gives the possibility of high-quality and effective skin care, as well as relaxation of muscle clamps.

Types of paraffin therapy

There are the following types of paraffin therapy:
- for hands and nails.
- for legs.
- for face.
- for body.

Paraffin therapy for hands and nails

Women's hands are an indicator of the grooming of every woman. And so that your hands are always on top, you need to take care of them. The beauty industry provides many cosmetic methods, one of the most effective is paraffin therapy. With the help of this procedure, the handles will become tender and soft. Hand paraffin therapy can also be done at home.

Indications for paraffin therapy for hands and nails:

- Dry and dehydrated skin.
- Peeling of the dorsum of the hand.
- The presence of cracks.
- Unhealthy skin color, loss of turgor.
- Skin hypersensitivity to cold, wind and moisture.

What is needed and the stages of paraffin therapy for hands and nails

The procedure requires:
- A container to melt paraffin wax.
- Paper napkins or towels, terrycloth towel or mittens.
- Polyethylene gloves.
- Brush for hard-to-reach areas.
- A container or paraffin bath to carry out the procedure.

Stages of the procedure:

- Heat the paraffin wax in a convenient container in a water bath. The temperature should not exceed 40 degrees, and water does not accidentally get into the bath.
- At this time, you need to spread your hands in warm water and apply a scrub. Massage the skin with light movements for a few minutes, then, will remove the dead cell layer.
- Then you need to rub the nourishing cream into the skin of your hands with massage movements.
- Immerse your hands in the finished paraffin container and hold them there for about 10 minutes. Then remove and after 10 seconds, dip again into the composition. 3-5 of these approaches will be enough.
- When the substance on your hands hardens a little, you need to wrap them in plastic wrap and wrap them in a thick towel. Keep your hands warm for 20-30 minutes.
- Then you need to remove the paraffin by moving from the wrist to the fingers and rinse your hands in warm water.
- Perform a gentle hand massage.

Result after hand paraffin therapy:

- Smoothes fine wrinkles, heals cracks.
- Has a rejuvenating effect.
- Softens the cuticles, promotes the rapid growth of healthy nails.
- Relieves muscle pain and spasms, strengthens joints.
- Restores the moisture balance of the skin.
- SPA-procedure relaxes, calms and gives pleasant sensations.

Paraffin therapy for feet

If in winter and spring the handles need deep moisture, then in the summer it is necessary for the legs. Of course, paraffin therapy is a great way to visit the legs.
Foot paraffin therapy is a way of rejuvenating and improving the skin of the feet based on the use of warm cosmetic paraffin with useful herbal supplements.

What is needed and the stages of paraffin therapy for the legs

This procedure is included in the list of services provided in beauty salons. But you can do it yourself, it does not require any special skills or special equipment.

The procedure requires:

- a special bath.
- terry towel.
- cling film.
- emollient cream.

Stages of the procedure:

- The first is to melt the paraffin in a bath or water bath.
- After the feet are thoroughly washed with hot water, they are immersed in warm paraffin for a few seconds, then taken out and dried. The immersion and drying is repeated 4-5 times, until the legs are covered with several layers of paraffin.
- Then you need to wrap your feet with foil and a towel.
- For half an hour, you can simply rest, and then remove the paraffin film.
- Wash your feet and apply cream.

Result after paraffin foot therapy

- the skin of the feet is cleansed.
- slags are removed through the opened pores.
- edema disappears.
- calluses and corns soften.
- joint pains are relieved.

Facial paraffin therapy

Facial paraffin therapy is a spa procedure using liquid paraffin. The principle of action is the greenhouse effect, which opens the pores and allows nutrients to penetrate into the deep layers of the epidermis.

Indications for facial paraffin therapy:

- Problems with skin tone.
- Dehydrated dry skin with severe aging.
- The first signs of aging are wrinkles, loss of firmness.
- Peeling during the off-season - in spring and autumn.
- Puffiness of the face.

Stages of the procedure

This procedure is carried out in the salon and looks like this:
- Preparation - make-up remover, cleansing with a soft scrub, antiseptic treatment.
-Application of means that increase the effectiveness of the mask. There may be moisturizing and toning creams, anti-flaking lotions, or healing medications. Under a layer of paraffin mask, they are several times more effective.
- Dry cotton pads are applied to the eyes to protect them from hot products;
- Apply up to 3 layers of liquid paraffin to the skin with a brush;
- A special fabric mask is applied on top, and two more layers of paraffin composition are applied to it
- After all layers have completely dried, after about 30 minutes, the hardened mask is removed, and the skin is moisturized with a cream selected for the skin type.

The result of the procedure:

- The elasticity of the skin is increased due to the compression effect. Compression is achieved by shrinking the mask as it dries.
- After applying warm paraffin, blood circulation improves, pores open, metabolism improves.

Body paraffin therapy

Body paraffin therapy is based on the principle of the formation of a film on the skin, consisting of paraffin of various thicknesses. The effect of paraffin therapy lies not only in the corrective and rejuvenating effect, but also in the fact that treatment with paraffin will help get rid of many health problems. This procedure can be done in the salon.

Indications for facial paraffin therapy:

- Fading of the skin, its premature aging.
- Swelling of the face.
- The appearance of the first wrinkles and bags under the eyes.
- The presence of red spots on the skin (for example, at the site of removed acne).
- Presence of folds in the hips or belly.

Stages of the procedure

- Disinfection of the skin with a special antiseptic.
- Peeling. At this stage, the elimination of cells that have already served their term is performed. The peeling composition is intended not only for effective exfoliation of dead cells, but also for nourishing / moisturizing the dermis tissues.
- The main stage of the procedure involves the application of pre-prepared paraffin to certain parts of the body. All movements of the beautician are as soft, gentle and gentle as possible.
- The essence of the final stage of paraffin therapy is to remove the frozen film and apply a special moisturizer.

The result of the procedure:

- Relaxation and release of muscle tension.
- Increase in the number of functioning capillaries.
- Detoxification products are released from the body.
Paraffin therapy is a popular procedure, and this is not a surprise, since the result from it is always at the level. Of course, this is a salon procedure, but it can also be done at home. All this is possible thanks to the paraffin bath.

What kind of baths are there?

The paraffin therapy bath is a plastic outer container with an inner metal container with a built-in heating element and a thermostat. Outside, it is equipped with a control panel with buttons or mechanical levers.

In terms of use, baths are divided into three types:

Small up to 2.5 liters (such baths are suitable for paraffin therapy of hands and elbows. They can also be used as paraffin pots, without immersing the limbs, and then apply wax with a brush). They come in various capacities: 40 V, 50 V, 120 V, 200 V, 220 V and with various sizes 110X100X80 mm, 150X120X80 mm, 300 x 235 x 140 mm, 325x235x18 mm, 360 x 233 x 305 mm.

Medium or universal for 2.5-4 liters (such models are used both at home and in salons. They allow you to immerse both hands and feet, which is a great advantage). With a power: 120 V, 150 V, 265 V, 300 V and with dimensions 220X310X200 mm, 260X360X190 mm, 290X215X120 mm, 340X210X170 mm.

Large ones by 4-5 liters (such baths are in demand in medical centers, beauty salons, and suggest more intensive use. They are also suitable for home procedures, they only require large volumes of paraffin in comparison with universal medium models). With power: 150 V, 200 V, 220 V, 230 V, 360 V with dimensions 250х340х180 mm, 400х280х210 mm.

To choose a good bathtub for home use, you should pay attention to the following points:

- The presence of a push-button or mechanical external panel for switching on, off and setting the temperature.
- Possibility to adjust the temperature of melting and heating of paraffin manually or the presence of a built-in thermostat for automatic adjustment.
- Bath size: an elongated shape and a larger size will make it possible to perform the procedure for hands and feet.
- The transparent top cover will allow you to monitor the heating of the wax safely, without the risk of splashing and burns.
- Smooth inner coating, from which it will be easy to remove paraffin when cleaning the bath tank.
- The presence of a plastic safety grill inside the bath.
- Availability of convenient external handles or recesses for moving the bath.
- Guarantee.

The main advantages of paraffin therapy

- Strengthening the joints.
- This is an excellent method for treating cracked skin.
- Restoration of the tissue of the skin of the hands and feet in case of mechanical damage.
- A significant reduction in pain in the presence of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
- Perceptible rejuvenating effect after the first procedure.
- The procedure is very simple, and the process itself is pleasant and allows you to relax.
- Nervous tension.
- Small wounds.
- Getting rid of cellulite.

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Contraindications for paraffin therapy

Like any other procedure used in cosmetology, paraffin therapy has certain contraindications. Namely:
˗ The presence of wounds, abrasions, rashes on the skin.
˗ Violation of full blood clotting.
oncological diseases.
˗ Pregnancy and lactation period.
- Violation of sensitivity in the skin area undergoing therapy;
- Varicose veins or thrombophlebitis;
- Wounds in the area of application of paraffin;
- Festering infections;
- Sychoz;
- Furunculosis.
- Pregnancy and lactation.

We hope this article will help you to be beautiful and healthy. What we wish you!
Published: 04.11.2020 17:51 Times Read: 1503