Hardware pedicure - convenient and easy

Hardware pedicure - convenient and easy
«Taking care of yourself» is characteristic of every person. It is known that every representative of the fairer sex always tries to devote the maximum amount of time to her body, so that later there will be something to brag about. If we talk about legs, then regular care is needed here. Today, modern beauty parlors and salons offer a fairly large number of services and procedures for the care of both hands and feet and nails. Among the existing technologies and methods for treating feet and improving nails, hardware pedicure has become widespread.

About hardware pedicure technique

Hardware pedicure is a special technique for caring for feet and toenails, as well as treating some problematic conditions (calluses, corns, etc.). This technique allows you to effectively remove the most difficult calluses, dry corns and cracks in the heels without the use of cutting tools, to increase the effectiveness of the treatment of fungal infections at an early stage of their appearance.
Hardware pedicure, unlike the classic one, is performed without first steaming the feet.
This is interesting!: Hardware pedicure is also called «dry pedicure». Because this procedure is carried out without the use of water. To soften the hardened areas of the feet and for their disinfection, craftsmen use safe cosmetics.

What do you need for a hardware pedicure?

- Special clothing: white robe, gloves, headscarf and mask.
- A disinfectant that treats not only the client's feet, but also the hands of the master.
- Availability of serviceable equipment.
- Cutters for performing a pedicure (a must-have tool for a pedicure).
For nails, you need a gel remover, which will soften the nail plate a little.

The procedure consists of several stages:
First of all, the handler uses a disinfectant to cleanse his client's hands and feet. The purpose of this event is to prevent possible infection.

1.The skin is softened - a fast-acting softening gel is applied. After just 10 minutes, the skin is porous enough to start working.

2. Dead cells are removed - the smallest nozzle is used to treat the cuticle, the keratinous areas around the nail are passed by the master with a larger nozzle. With the help of nippers, the master forms the nail plates, that is, he corrects the length.

3. Feet and cuticles are processed. Removal of the softening gel and removal of keratinized cells from the feet follows. The cutters are selected depending on the area to be machined. After the resurfacing of the skin of the feet is completed, various remedies are applied to it. The average exposure time is no more than 20 minutes. With the help of a tampon holder, the master treats the toes. Tongs remove any burrs, if any. The ingrown nail is treated with a special softener, and then disinfected. The toes are also polished, but with smaller diameter attachments.

4. Nail polishing. At the end of the procedure, the client receives a light foot massage, with the help of which the master rubs oil into the skin. A varnish is applied to the nails. Talcum powder completes the complex.

Features of hardware pedicure

- safe skin - during the procedure, the skin is not cut off, but only its hardened part is removed, without affecting healthy tissue.
- nails, after polishing, are freed from the layer of dead cells and breathe better.
- cuticle, not removed, but trimmed with one of the smallest attachments.
 - hardware pedicure allows you to more accurately and painlessly process calluses and corns.
- relaxing effect - during the grinding of the skin of the foot, acupressure of the reflex zones of the foot occurs, as a result of stimulation of which the general tone of the body increases.
- in the procedure of hardware pedicure, instead of water, a special cream and liquid are used to soften the skin of the foot.
- hardware pedicure grinding attachments allow the master to process even the most problematic and hard-to-reach places.
- soft resurfacing in a hardware pedicure is a guarantee that the skin will grow slowly and retain its elasticity longer.
- therapeutic effect - treatment of an ingrown toenail, hardware pedicure helps to maintain the beauty and health of feet at any age.
- the procedure will need to be repeated much later (in comparison with the classic pedicure).

It is interesting! The hardware pedicure technique has been known in Europe for almost forty years and first appeared in Germany in the late 60s.

We hope that our article was helpful to you. May you always have beautiful legs, and most importantly, healthy!

Published: 09.11.2020 16:16 Times Read: 4735