UV LED nail drying lamp L-1100 72W - high quality

UV LED nail drying lamp L-1100 72W - high quality

UV LED Nail Dryer Lamp L-1000 72W

The Global Fashion L-1100 UV LED Nail Drying Lamp is a high quality product made to the highest standards. With a high output of 72 watts, the lamp is perfect for fast and even drying of any type of semi-permanent nail polish or UV gel.


The LED UV Manicure / Nail Lamp, L-1100, Global Fashion is compact in size and impresses with a practical and modern design, making it a stylish addition to any interior, whether in a salon or at home. Its matching weight makes transporting it easy, no matter the destination. This versatile model is suitable for both personal and professional use.
The model is available in three colours: silver, blue and pink.


The L-1100 Global Fashion UV/LED manicure lamp, 72W, silver is equipped with a digital display and offers 5 types of programmes, each with different drying times: 10, 30, 60, 90 and 120 seconds.


It features a motion sensor and 36 LEDs on the sides and top for faster and more efficient drying, with a life of up to 50,000 hours of continuous light. Innovative LED technology ensures that the LEDs are not harmful to the skin and eyes, protecting against adverse reactions.



The bottom of the lamp is removable, making it easy to perform pedicures and providing increased comfort during use. The product can be used for both manicures and pedicures and its use does not cause a burning sensation.



Benefits of the L-1100 Global Fashion 72W LED UV Taimer and LCD Display Lamp

✅ A great power

✅ Technology that ensures fast drying

✅ Ultraviolet and LED technology for an innovative and efficient solution

✅ Ultra-fast curing of all types of semi-permanent nail polish and UV gels

✅ LEDs do not need to be replaced after a certain time interval as it can activate up to 50,000 hours

✅ Does not burn when drying

✅ Does not heat up

✅ Does not include harmful substances in its composition

✅ Minimal energy consumption

✅ Professional results




The Global Fashion L-1100 UV LED Nail Lamp, 72W will be the perfect helper to achieve quality manicures and pedicures.

---> LED UV lamp L-1100 for manicure, Global Fashion, 72W, sensor activation, silver - open link to view product

---> LED UV nail lamp L-1100, Global Fashion, 72W, digital display, blue - open link to view product

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---> LED/UV nail lamp L-1100, Global Fashion, 72W, digital display, pink - open link to view product

Published: 15.05.2024 09:40 Times Read: 192