Causes of brittle nails: solution to the problem

Causes of brittle nails: solution to the problem
Neat and strong nails are every girl's dream. But unfortunately there is such an unpleasant phenomenon as nail breakage. No one is immune from this, even the strongest nails can break for various reasons. However, there is no need to be upset in advance, because the problem can be easily fixed. In the article we will tell you what to do if a nail is broken, and also we will figure out what may be the reasons for provoking such a situation.


It is clear that natural and extended nails break for different reasons. Let's try to disassemble them.
Causes of breakage of natural nails
Most often, nails begin to break for the following reasons:

1. Lack of vitamins, micro and macro elements. The first thing that needs to be done is to revise the diet.
Foods rich in vitamins and minerals for nail health:
- zucchini, cucumbers.
- nuts and sesame seeds.
- seafood.
- vegetable juices.
- seaweed.
- milk and other dairy products.
- pumpkin seeds.
- fatty fish.
If your diet contains these foods, then you will be able to keep your nails healthy and clean.

2. Improper care. Lack of products that soften and nourish the skin of the hands, improper correction, inappropriate materials and tools - all this leads to the destruction of the nail structure.

3. Cosmetics of poor quality. Most of the cosmetics that we use for our daily hand and nail care contain acetone and formaldehyde. Due to contact with these substances, natural nail plates weaken, lose their natural hardness, and become brittle. Detergents and poor-quality water do no less harm to them.

REMEMBER! Any work involving cleaning agents must be carried out with rubber or latex medical gloves. If you hand wash the dishes, try to use gloves and choose a detergent with moisturizing ingredients.
Also, abuse of decorative manicure can lead to breakage and delamination of the nail. Frequent painting with varnish, especially if it is of poor quality, exposure to acetone or other special liquids leads to delamination. All these substances penetrate into the pores of the nail plate and destroy it from the inside.

TIP! The nails must be looked after systematically. There are a huge number of wellness treatments, most of which you can do yourself. For example: baths with oils, masks, special varnishes to strengthen the plates, various folk methods.

Now about the reasons for the breakage of extended nails

1. Incorrect formulation. The form was up or down.
2. The natural nail was prepared incorrectly before modeling.
3. The material in the cuticle area is insufficient or too thick.
4. The stress zone is incorrectly modeled, as a result - an excessive load on the artificial part.
5. Use of materials from different manufacturers, sometimes they are incompatible.
6. Detachment of a natural nail for any internal reason.
7. Too much material on the free edge - the nail begins to outweigh and then breaks.
8. The nail is too thin, like a competition.
9. The mold stood with a gap and because of this the material fell under the nail.


If the free edge is damaged:

1. Remove the varnish and wipe the plate with an antiseptic.
2. Polish the bumps on the surface of the nail with a special file-buff.
3. Make a patch. The piece of fabric should be 2-3 mm larger than the break (at each edge).
4. Lubricate the coating with glue, place the cloth. To distribute the patch evenly, you can use the sharp tip of a toothpick.
5. After the glue dries, process the nail with a buffing file.
6. Depending on the degree of damage, glue another 1-2 layers of fabric.
7. The final stage is coating the plate with varnish.

Center of the nail plate

1. Cut off a piece of silk or, in extreme cases, a tea bag so that it completely covers the crack and extends slightly beyond it.
2. Carefully buff the place of breakage with a buff.
3. Apply a thin layer of medical glue or special glue for silk and place a silk cloth on top.
4. Apply some more glue.
5. Straighten the silk with an orange stick and let the glue dry.
6. Polish the nail plate with a buff to smooth out the protruding glue and cover with glitter varnish or gel polish according to all the rules.

«Before meat»

If the nail breaks down to blood, and the nail bed is damaged, this is a reason to see a doctor. Surgeons deal with such problems, but, as a last resort, you can contact a therapist to write out a referral.


The simplest answer to this question is, of course, go to the master. But this is not always possible, so a few tips will definitely help you.

1. Chipping of the tip. Take a coarse nail file and carefully file the nail, giving its tip the desired shape. If you are very confused by the fact that the nails are now of different lengths, file the rest as well.

2. Broken nail to the edge of the native nail. If there is no blood, no obvious trauma to the nail plate, it is necessary to disinfect the skin around the nail and wrap it with a plaster.

3. Breakage of the extended nail along with the natural «to the blood». First of all, it is important to be calm! To begin with, in order not to bring any infection, it is necessary to treat the wound with an antiseptic (alcohol, peroxide, iodine). After such manipulations, be sure to apply an anti-inflammatory or antibacterial ointment (for example, Levomekol) on top and cover with a plaster. Unfortunately, in this case, only a manicure master will help you; you will no longer be able to glue the broken nail back.

REMEMBER! If the nail is broken «to blood» on the same day, it is not recommended to go for a correction, since the wound needs to heal so that the correction process is not so painful and so that no tiny particle gets into the wound and does not cause inflammation.


General tips for preventing nail breakage:

- Eat more fresh vegetables, fruits and drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day.
- Observe the mode of work and rest. Chronic fatigue and frequent overwork have a detrimental effect on the condition of the nails and the health of the body as a whole.
- Less worries! Constant stress also does not help your health.
- Use wet wipes to clean your hands. Frequent contact of nails (more than 6 times a day) with water leads to the destruction of their structure.
- Use gloves when washing dishes and cleaning. Exposure to water and chemicals thinns the nail plate, making it fragile and prone to brittleness.
- Correctly remove the decorative coating. Do not tear off the gel polish - use special products or apparatus. When the material is peeled off, the upper protective layer is separated with it, and the nails become thin and prone to brittleness.


- Quality materials. Use only high-quality materials from trusted manufacturers for building.
- Reduce mechanical stress - this includes, among other things, tapping on the table with the tips of your nails.
- Use gloves - under the influence of chemicals, the material loses its strength;
- Make corrections in time.
- Removal of old material. Remove old material completely before applying new one.
Published: 22.01.2021 15:54 Times Read: 2076